Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Even even more Eclipse Premire pics and after PAR-TAY pics!!

Papa Cullen and his wife are smoking;)

I laugh everytime I look at
Rob's face!!!

Kristen changed for the after-party! haha

Rob is proubaly getting in some laughs as
usual... :)

No. Justin, just no. It's not your color.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Kristen takes some pics with some fans(June 24th)

That one girl whose face is poping out looks
like she is about to cry! haha!

Opps don't know how this got in here but
isn't this pic cute?!

even more premire pics...(June 24th

Notice the sign in the backround says:
Flordia loves Kristen

oops just realized I have the same pic twice..oh well, you can never get enough of Robert, Kristen, and Taylor's breathtaking faces anyway!;)

More Eclipse Premire pics!!!!!!!(June 24th)

Taylor still as hot as ever(love the poster in the
backround with a fan holding up a drawing, ha.

Aww..they look like a couple

how adorable do they look!?

Pics of Robert Pattinson at the Eclipse Premire!(June 24th)

Wearing a Red Jacket and Black tie he was in theme for the movie! He was sooo sweet to his fans too!

I'm a nerd so I took notes on the Eclipse Premire I watched live..

The Eclipse Premire turned out great. There was tons of enegry and everyone was having a great time. I'm a nerd so I wrote down notes while I watched it live and here they are:

Live from MySpace Eclipse Premire Notes: 5:30-8:10
*600 fans camping out since Sunday
(that's 4 and a half days) :O
*Julia Jones (new member of wolfpack) one of the first on the 'black' carpet
*1.1billion dollars made so far...since 'black' carpet..(and the movie hasn't even came out yet)
*stars going to portland day after premire
*one guy from volratia is 6'6
*cast sometimes surprise random people while wearing red contacts for fun
*In 'Camp Fire scene' it was raining all day long-between takes the cast huddled together to keep warm (it was about 2 degrees)
*Sarah Clark (plays Renee) looking purple,She says,'...I wanted to get something simple, so I got this dress...'
*Screenwriter says,'I came across with alot of challegges but I loved to dive in someone else's world.'
*I heard Gil did some sweet wheelchair stunts between scenes:)
*Screaming is crazily loud as Rob Pattinson walks on the 'black' carpet
*Cast had to do fighting pratices for movie
*One member from the cast who plays in the wolfpack claims someone played a prank by him by adding 'posion' in his hot chocolate and he claims that 'his wolf healing powers' kept him alive. (haha! love it!)
*Kristen wearing one long sleeve and one no sleve white cute dress
*Glee cast member says to tune in some cool bursting moves and she shared a move she will be dancing on Glee
*The guy reporter went to highschool with the guy who played Laurent
*Ashley Greene says that Alice in Eclipse will get her really dark vampire self out and that she's not the perky Alice, Alice usally is.
*Anna Kendrick says,'she tries to be silly as possible' in her role
*Elizabeth is wearing a black tight see-through dress
*Elizabeth had to get in shape every day for the movie. Elizabeth says, 'They would drive them to a random warehouse and the lighting was dim and misting and we would run around and they would kill us for hours. Then, they would drive as to a gym to work out even more. They even put us on 'deathsleds' that was where they put a sled on the back of a truck and drive'
*Brice (who plays Victoria) is wearing a B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L yellow dress! (Note to self: I want that dress!)
*It is very Sunny in LA (in fact Brice has to cover her eyes from the sun while being interviewed)
*The guy who played Mike Newton gave great advice on relationships and says he knows,' everything happens for a reason."
*Nikki Reed bought her little brother, older brother, some other brother, and Jodie Smith to the Premire
*Nikki Reed has done some cool fun photoshoots for the film
*There kept on being random moments of screaming. (haha!)
*Lakers player came to the premire with some fam, and the lakers just won a game. The laker played claimed he likes werewolves Laker is more of a Jacob guy says he is, 'going for the underdog' so he's Team Jacob
*The interviewer says the first scene is really scary!
*Taylor carries Kristen in a scene and his hands were jello from climbing up mountains and so on
*Kellan went did Yoga for the training for the fight scenes (sooo HOT at the premire!)
*Kellan says,' Most of the actors did their own stunts'
*Jackson got a haircut(He looks so much better!)
*Jackson played a harmonia for us (haha he's sooo good at it!)
* Jackson gets to ride a horse
*Rob says,'I loved working with Peter...'
*Rob looked GREAT in his red jacket and black tie, he totally was in theme with the movie
*Taylor abmits he always gets so nervous and he says if he's him and kristen he's not good because they both get really nervous so they kind of feed into each other
*Kristen says,' Her feet started to kill her while walking around at the premire'Her favorite part of the movie was the two guys (Taylor and Rob) act with each other and see their enegry.
* Premire is in downtown LA
* Over 3,000 are here. Only 600 fans were lucky to be by the black carpet
*Everyone has been sooo sweet to all of the fans and doing lots of autographs. It was sooo fun to watch the Eclipse Premire! There was soo much enegry over all and you could even feel the enegry just watching the premire live

I doubt you will read them all, if I were you I'd proubaly think,'hm too long how boring' It's hard to bring the feel that was there. The interviewers were funny and really sweet. I loved it! They even had a black capert instead of a red capert! I can't wait to post the pictures of the celebs of what they were wearing. I can tell you they all looked fablous!

Papa Wolf spotted at the Love Ranch Premire!

Gil Birmingham posted this pic on his facebook at the Love Ranch Premire

Some New Random Models pics

From Entermainment Weekly:

(And my favorite!) Kellan and
Ashley modeling for an issue in
Women's Health.