Sunday, August 29, 2010

Alex Meraz In YRB Magazine


Ninja? I think so.

Aww..are you going to paint me a painting? How Sweet!

By Kristie Bertucci

Photography by Odessy Barbu

Grooming by Joanna Pensinger

One look at Alex Meraz and you’ll immediately recognize him as Paul, the hot-tempered werewolf in the global phenomenon The Twilight Saga: New Moon and Eclipse. But there’s more to Meraz than his amazingly beefed up body, handsome good looks and piercingly beautiful eyes that have put Twilight fans in a frenzy. As it turns out, this newbie actor is an “artist” in a few different ways.

Most recently, he’s taken up acting and is fiercely pursuing his goal to establish himself as a credible actor in Hollywood. But he’s also a contemporary dancer, breakdancer, martial artist and, first and foremost, a visual artist. Art has and always will be an enduring passion for the 25-year-old from Mesa, Arizona. While his interest in art has its roots in his adolescence, it was his older brother who encouraged Meraz to continue working on his art once he saw how talented his younger brother was.
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